
These are the fields Moe keeps track of for tracks, albums, and extras in your library.

Track Fields#

  • artist - track artist

  • artists - track artists [1]

  • audio_format - aac, aiff, alac, ape, asf, dsf, flac, ogg, opus, mp3, mpc, wav, or wv [3] [4]

  • bit_depth - number of bits per sample in the audio encoding [3] [4]

  • disc - disc number

  • genre - genre [1]

  • path - filesystem path of the track [3]

  • sample_rate - sample rate of the track in Hz [3] [4]

  • title - track title

  • track_num - track number

Album Fields#

  • artist - album artist

  • barcode - UPC barcode

  • catalog_num - catalog numbers of the album [1]

  • country - country the album was released in (two character identifier)

  • date - album release date [2]

  • disc_total - number of discs in the album

  • label - album release label

  • media - album release format (e.g. CD, Digital, etc.)

  • original_date - date of the original release of the album [2]

  • original_year - year of the original release of the album [3]

  • path - filesystem path of the album [3]

  • title - album title

  • track_total - number of tracks an album should have, not necessarily the number of tracks an album has in Moe.

  • year - album release year

Extra Fields#

  • path - filesystem path of the extra [3]


Custom Fields#

In addition to the above fields, plugins may add any number of custom fields to Moe. These fields can be edited, queried, etc. the same as normal fields.